The year 2020 saw an unprecedented shift towards remote work and overall change in how we look at ‘work’. But the evolution of employment, and how we define it, had already started to consolidate over the last thirty years or so through the digital sphere. From Craigslist to Workana passing through TaskRabbit and toptal, and many, many others, a key driver behind the surge of such platforms being a workforce looking for alternative modes of employment and extra revenue, coupled with a shift in consumer behavior towards on-demand everything.
Along with this current emerged a whole ecosystem of enablers, platforms and tools at the intersection of fintech, insurtech, and HR/productivity - continuously recalibrating the employer-employee tandem. FlexxPay, a recent addition to our portfolio, is one such company.
Launched in 2018, FlexxPay is a Saas-based employee financial wellness platform allowing companies to offer their employees access to already-earned income. Our deep conviction in FlexxPay stems from its robust model, and most importantly, its strong founding team, Michael Truschler and Charbel Nasr, and how they look at the space they're operating in (the intersection of fintech and HR/productivity).
In this episode of our podcast, Sarah and I chat with Michael about the FlexxPay model, where the MENA region stands with regards to the changing nature of employment, and FlexxPay’s evolving value proposition for companies looking to preserve their most valuable asset, their team.